Gender-Fluid Beauty Brand

There are many words to describe Ko+Op Beauty: youthful, affordable, hilarious, but above all, it’s radical as f***. Never cruel to animals, just to the patriarchy. Friendly to the environment, unfriendly to homophobes. Non-toxic, except for when we’re not in the mood to put up with BS.

This project includes a logotype for Ko+Op, packaging design for 3 lip balms, and a Instagram-focused promotional campaign that declares the brand identity as a complete refutation of patriarchal gendered expectations.

For the social media ads, the chosen aesthetics is inspired by old advertisements from mid to late twen- tieth century that depicts sexist narratives — we aim to reclaim the story and turn sexist tropes on their heads with snark, sarcasm, and the chaotic, Internet-born, Gen-Z-verified humor. Our launching ad campaign is focused on branching out to men, regardless of their sexuality.

The ads are altered to make into merchandise.


SCAN Magazine


Wav Music Festival